Monday, July 28, 2008

Extra. . . Extra . . . Extra-ordinary

Special invitation . . . special family. . . and special day.

Sunday, July 27, 2008 saw the Poitras family in a town about 2 hours from Accra, with some great folks. Rev. Mac Ewudzie-Sampson and his sweet wife, Sis. Comfort extended the invitation. Their children, Jeremiah, Beatrice, Else, and Mac, Jr. were all present. This is rare, since the children are all studying in various parts of the country.

They were all home to help celebrate Jeremiah's completion of his Bachelor of Science Degree . . . HALLELUJAH!

Knowing that Melinda was leaving was another reason for our celebration. These children are close enough in age, they have grown up together during our time in Ghana . . . and all of them are loving and serving the Lord.

My hubby (an extra-ordinary man himself) delivered the message . . . for the kids . . . but actually for us all. I wanted to share my notes from his sermon, as they were so helpful and encouraging to ME . . . I think they will bless you too!

"Extra-ordinary Minister's Children"
(Dedicated to six minister's kids present, pictured above)

Rev began by talking about these six children, and then gave us six points to explain their special part in all our lives, and God's special plan:

1) EXAMPLE - during their lives, these children have been used many times as an example . . . in lessons, sermons, and life. 1Timothy 4:12 tells them to be an example to believers . . . in speech, faith, life, love, and purity.

2) EXTENSION - all these children have been an extension of their parent's ministry . . . all their lives. Now that they are getting older, doing things on their own, they need to remember that whatever they do in life, they will always be an extension of what their parents believe, teach and live (Acts 21:8-9; 2Timothy 1:5-6).

3) EXTINCTION - It only takes one generation for the faith of God to pass out of a family, church, and nation. Please, remember to walk in "TRUTH" because there is nothing more important to us (3John 4). 2Timothy 1:6-7 asks you to please fan the faith you have into a flaming fire of experience and power. Carry the TRUTH of this GOSPEL to your children . . . and their children . . . until Jesus comes.

4) EXPECTATIONS - Whether we like it or not, minister's children are expected to do so much more (or NOT do so much more) than any other kids . . . at church or anywhere else. 1Timothy 3:5 explains why . . . pastors have to control/handle/lead their family well, or they are not qualified to lead the church of God.

5) EXPERIENCE - Romans 5:3-4, NLT - "We can rejoice too, when we run into problems and trials, for we know that they help us develop endurance. And endurance develops strength of character, and character strengthens our confident hope of salvation."

Do these kids ever have experience! They have been through things that most people have never imagined. . . and just think . . . God was doing it to prepare them for something SPECIAL in His kingdom.

The "School of Hard Knocks" is not an easy place to attend, but it sure does help you with life. As Jeremiah Ewudzie-Sampson testified, "No battle . . . no victory. . . no cross. . . no crown." (Bachelor's degrees always come with a price . . . and I don't mean money.)

6) EXCEL - God has given these "extra-ordinary minister's children" the ability to be successful in whatever they decide to do. They will NEVER BE DEFEATED if they follow where God leads, using what God has already taught them.

(Hebrews 11:4) - Yes, there will be sacrifice, but a MORE EXCELLENT sacrifice.

1 Corinthians 15:58, NLT - They will remain firm, immovable, superior, excelling, doing MORE than ENOUGH in God's Service; KNOWING and BEING continually aware that their labor in Jesus is NEVER useless . . . they have been prepared for something "extra-ordinary."

Saturday, July 19, 2008

"True confession . . ."

"True confession is good for the soul." I can still hear my 8th grade math teacher saying that, as he asked who had done their homework. Today, I need to share this confession from my heart. Maybe it will help one of you too.

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Well, I did it again . . . opened my mouth and inserted my foot. As a kid, this was the transgression that brought the most disaproval . . . and punishment. You would think old folks would get the picture, but . . . here I am . . . still. As a parent . . . well it is inexcusable, but happens more than I would like it to.

Do you ever feel like you are a total flop as a parent? I DO!
Do you ever wish you could go back and erase the day. . . starting from the top? I DO!
Do you ever wonder how you could make things better, and different? I DO!

Well, today was one of those days, and God blessed me with the answer. It is so amazing how very relevant & present His Word is. . . and He proved it once again . . . just now . . . today.

I was working on children's ministry materials (go figure). Coincidence? I don't think so. There it was, hitting me between the eyes, "The Fruit of the Spirit." I know what that is, and have seen it growing in my life, but God, help me see it growing more. I need MORE fruit!

You know,
Love, that stuff that IS God. . .
Joy, that you have deep in your heart, no matter how sad you are. . .
Peace, the thing that lets you sleep at night, when there is chaos all around. . .
Longsuffering, the thing you get from tribulation . . . if you allow the Holy Ghost to work. . .
Gentleness, the way you should treat everybody, no matter how they treat you first. . .
Goodness, the nice things you do just because God said so. . .
Kindness, the thing that makes you help the needy just because they need you to. . .
Temperance, that moderation thing . . . everything in balance. . .
Faith, the determination to follow in God's footsteps, always pressing on, even when you can't see why or where or when . . .

And just when my prayer meeting ended for more of that precious spiritual fruit, I began looking for the verse where Paul reminds the Corinthians to: "Follow me . . . because I am following Christ" (1Corinthians 11:1). Well, that was it . . . time for me to stop, "We need another talk, Lord."

I am supposed to be the example here, but am I? Not always, so . . . help me God.
I am supposed to be following Christ with every decision and action, but am I? Not always, so . . . help me God.

Then, my hubby (who knows me better than anyone remaining on this earth) sent me a message. He found it online (somebody named Fleta Robinson in His Way News), and it was perfect, using 1 Corinthians 11:1, thatI had been working with. It talked about God's grace, in a version I did not recognize, but that spoke straight to my heart:

"I am always thankful to God for . . . the gift of His grace . . . He has enriched your whole lives, from the words of your lips to the understanding in your hearts . . . He will keep you steadfast in the faith to the end . . . God is utterly dependable, and it is He who has called you into fellowship with His Son Jesus Christ, our Lord."

Can I get an "AMEN" from parents everywhere . . . and maybe from their kids too? God's GRACE keeps us going . . . loving . . . living in harmony . . . helping each other . . . no matter what.

Now I have confessed to Him (and you too) I know I will remember this longer. . . and lean on it heavier . . . for HIS GRACE, HIS FRUIT, and HIS WORD are my greatest blessings ALWAYS. . . and that's the truest confession I have ever made!

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Today is her birthday . . .

She would be 88 years old today . . . if she was still with us. I would have called her on the phone, hoping she remembered me, knew my voice, could talk with some sense. We would have shared
a few words, some tears on my part, and maybe some from her side too.
I would have asked about her day . . . what did she have for dinner? Did my sister come to see her? What did she get for her birthday? Did my gift arrive in time? Was she enjoying it? (I usually sent her a Gaither music DVD to watch or listen too - whatever she was able to do.) I always sent birthday cards, and most of the time, a hand full of pictures . . . of the girls, the work in Ghana, what is happening in our lives, the girl's school work. At the end, she could not even see those pictures. (This picture, taken during Jim's last visit, shows her looking good, gaining weight, looking at him with intelligence and still a little twinkle in her eye. I talked to her on the phone the day this picture was made . . . Jim and my sister and brother-in-law in the room too.)
Today, I remember her birthday, but I cannot talk to her now. She has gone to the place of rest she worked her whole life to gain. She has fought her fight, finished her course, and KEPT THE FAITH!!!
Today, she is not confused. She is not talking about her long dead relatives as though they had just stepped out of the room after a long visit. She is not suffering pain, nor brushing her teeth with toothpaste that scalds her mouth, because the nurses don't know it bothers her, and she can't remember enough to tell them. She is not crying because she just found out her Dad, Mom, brothers, sisters, and husband are all dead. (All of these experiences were part of my last visit with mother.)
Today, she is rejoicing around the throne. . . praising the one who called her home to be with Him. She is not sick, sad, lonely, hurting, or fighting the battle with alzheimer's. She is having a wonderful time . . . somewhere safe in the arms of the One who loves her more than I ever could, or ever did. Jesus is in charge of this birthday anniversary . . . and He does all things GOOD!!!

A Leettle bit crazy . . . but fun!

Well. believe it or not . . . we were all just a little bit wacky at lunch . . . in a Chinese restaurant (Melinda LOVES Chinese food . . . Candra too . . . even though their Dad HATES it . . .)
Don't even remember who started it, or how . . . just all of a sudden, we were all making these silly faces . . . trying to see who could make the best one (I think I won!) Sure was good to laugh, have some good fun . . . just the four of us, and totally wacky. Wish you could have been with us, but come to think of it, we probably wouldn't have looked (or acted) so silly then . . . and you would have missed these AMAZING pictures - HA HA HA!!!
Will probably have more days like this in the next three weeks, but . . . wanted to share this one
now . . . just in case.
Feeling tired, stressed out, just a little bit crazy? Take your family out to dinner, wear a napkin on your head, nose, or just put some chopsticks in your ears, cross your eyes . . . and BINGO . . . Welcome to the "Leetle bit crazy" club!

That would be us . . . and now you . . . whoopeeee!

Saturday, July 5, 2008

A Blog . . . about A Blog . . .

Little kids . . .
Big kids . . .
Your kids and my kids . . .
All in between kids . . .

No matter where you live . . .
No matter where you go . . .
Kids are so important . . .
We love to watch them grow . . .

Jesus loves children . . .
Jesus wants them safe . . .
Jesus died for children . . .
NOW harvest them . . . DON'T WAIT!

Gather in the children . . .
No matter what their age . . .
Tell them Jesus loves them . . .
Show salvation's page . . .

If we forget the children . . .
There will come a day . . .
Those children will forget God . . .
They's leave and run away . . .

NOW is the time . . .
TODAY is the day . . .
REACH for all children . . .
JESUS led the way!

In case you're wondering, this blog is to announce my new blog . . . 123RAC. I hope you will join in praying for, working with, and reaching out to Africa's Children. Here is the new blog spot address:

By the way . . . don't forget your own kids while you are reaching for others!
We want to see . . .
God's Word . . . ALIVE in ALL our Children!