Tuesday, April 29, 2008

I Can't Believe I'm Here

Tuesday, April 29,2008

Well, here I am . . . blogging in the 21st century.

It's amazing - and my daughter taught me how.

She's amazing - especially about anything to do with writing, blogging, facebook, and all sorts of computer, technology, music, and various other stuff.

I have two daughters - one loves to write, and the other . . . . doesn't! Oh she can. . . really well, but it is not fun. . . so she skips over to what she really loves. . . math. Something about right-brain and left-brain, right?

Anyway, they both teach me stuff - every day - but today, the blogger is helping her Mom . . . well, BLOG!

I promise to have more to say, but today. . . I had serious lessons about how to get from the computer screen with all the icons on it, into this blog.

Involved the man of the house too, as he set up this blog . . . months ago, and I could never find it again. He had to pass by and help us with blogging info (I am sure there is another term for that).

Guess you could say this was a family project . . . teaching Mom one more technical thing. In this world of high tech, I am pretty low. But I love reading my daughter's blog, and hope that someday I can write something that will bless, encourage, or tickle your funny bone.

Tonight I convinced my eldest to teach her Mom something. . . and here I am!

Hope you read my blog again . . . looking for better days and more info, maybe? I hope so too!

How do you stop writing on this thing?

Just shut up? . . . then I will!

I can't believe I said that. . . on a blog. . . on the internet. . . around the world. . . I can't believe I'm here!