Saturday, June 28, 2008

Surprised . . . SPEECHLESS!

Saturday, June 14, 2008 . . . a day to remember in the life of my husband, (Rev. Jim Poitras).
It was graduation day for ACTS-Ghana, with 11 students to receive Associate Degrees. . . Bro. Raymond Woodward and son Matt here from New Brunswick, CANADA as guest speaker. . . Sis. Colleen Carter back in Ghana from deputation for a short visit. . .

A memorable day, but that was not the surprise. When Rev. Nick Sisco began speaking about Jim's 25 years of missionary work in Africa, I sat up straighter. He had called to ask me the exact dates so he would be very certain to get it right - May 13, 1983 - Jim's very first time to step foot in Africa (Nigeria to be exact).

Then, Rev. Sisco motioned for the Bible school instructors to move, and they brought in a LARGE gift-wrapped box - almost as tall as Rev. Sisco himself. I was trying to guess what was inside, as was everyone else.

When they removed the top, there was a beautiful globe on a lovely stand. It both revolved and lit up from inside. Each country was made of a different stone, and the oceans were mother-of-pearl (or something that looked like it). I began to cry, and my husband was surprised - for the first time I can remember since I knew him. He was thrilled, and totally speechless . . . for about 5 minutes anyway!

The honor of finding him a gift that means so much, and is relevant to his burden and vision - and finding it right here in Ghana . . . well! That is a feat we will all long remember and say "THANK YOU" to all who made it happen - especially Bro. Nick and Sis. Pam Sisco . . . part of the great team working in Ghana with us.

There he is. . . surprised . . . SPEECHLESS!

Been there . . . done that. . .

Here's my girls . . . together one more time in Ghana. They went shopping (at our new mall - a real one) and found these Christmas headbands. Since Colleen brought enough stuff for us all to have "Christmas in June," they were actually appropriate and relevant - ha!

Colleen's visit (a break in deputation for her . . . and a real treat for us) was special. She flew away to US . . . yesterday morning (Friday). . . waiting in La Guardia airport right now (Saturday)for weather to clear so she can fly to Ohio and connect with her stuff in her van once more. Deputation, here she comes! Thanks for your prayers for our "adopted" birdy.

Melinda and Candra (both still fighting colds - coughing constantly) are getting ready to fly too. Yeah, yeah, I already mentioned that . . . once or twice, right?!

Anyway, I wanted to mention it. . . again. I am beginning the countdown of Sundays Melinda has left in Ghana . . . five more after tomorrow. (Since tomorrow is not here yet, we will make that six.) Hard to imagine . . . 13and1/2 years after arrival here, she is moving on, spreading her wings, and heading out on her own. (Indiana Bible College [Indianapolis, Indiana] is her first stop.)

I know, many of you have already let go of your little birdies . . . and are maybe even enjoying the "empty nest." Maybe, someday I will get to that place. For now, I am in the process of letting go . . . as carefully and prayerfully as possible.

I know, you may even be a missionary who sent your little birdy far away - maybe even further than I will. But that was YOUR birdy . . . this is mine. So, thanks for your prayers AGAIN, and if you read my blog, you will hear more about this . . . my process of "giving them wings."

If you have "been there. . . done that. . ." I hope you understand.

Monday, June 23, 2008

Come, Go "Mad" With Us

May 16 - the beginning of a "dream come true" trip for Jim and I. We have wanted to visit Madagascar ("the Island at the End of the World") for many years. We enjoyed visiting the Lemur Park - saw 9 different species. The lemurs are the little furry critters in the tree - a Malagasy original.

Jim taught Advanced Faculty Education Lessons for Bible school instructors. He had a wonderful time with these men . . . while celebrating his 48th birthday in Madagascar. I was so very happy he was able to make this trip with me.

I was blessed to share (and speak at) the celebration of the 20th Anniversary of Ladies Ministry in UPCI of Madagascar. Made some great new friends too - past and present ladies presidents posed with me in front of the memorial built by the church.

Enjoyed the scenery of the capital city - very different from West Africa. It looked like Old Italy - at least the pictures I have seen. Cobblestone streets made you think of another time and a different generation.

Had great fun shopping with Richae (and Jared too). They were very helpful finding things for folks back home in Ghana. (More capital scenery in the background behind our favorite shop.)

Got to be with my young friend, and long ago camp choir member - Paula (Clenney) Richardson. Made me feel old . . . but VERY BLESSED . . . to see her in missionary action in Madagascar.

"Delight thyself also in the Lord, and He shall give thee the desires of thine heart." AMEN!

"Home again, home again. . . jiggety jog. . ."

We made it . . . not sure how, but God was there.

Our week in Togo for the sub-regional conference was full of God's blessings. So great to see those wonderful folks from 12 West African countries . . . superintendents, assistant superintendents, pastors, even one national ladies leader (Liberia).

The fellowship with missionaries was awesome too - don't get to see them nearly enough times. Then, folks started getting sick. . . some with coughs, some stomach troubles, and ALL with fevers.

Not sure what swept through the place, but those left standing were much fewer in number than those who could not drag out of the bed. . . mostly among the missionaries.

But was God ever moving!!! What a joy and blessing to see and hear Bro. Richardson share his vision and burden . . . one more time. He always blesses us, and this sub-regional was no different.

We were totally blessed with Bro. Raymond Woodward's teaching ministry . . . always have been. The Word he shared will impact many nations quickly.

There were lots of other speakers, and great times of refreshing, and we praise the Lord for each of them. . . worth every mile, every tired body, and every cough suffered - ha!

Did I mention God was blessing? He sure was . . . and did . . . all the way through to the last session.

THEN, it was time to go home. Always happy to do that, but with folks barking their cough, and the fevers all around, it was not easy.

Got loaded, got through border challenges, then had to completely unload the vehicle - top to bottom. THAT didn't help the fever, achy situation one bit.

Finally met up with our driver, who took over the vehicle. Rev (Jim) laid down in the back seat, I got up front, and the girls moved to the empty Sisco vehicle. The journey home (road part) was blessed with little traffic and even some rain to cool things down. . . until we reached Accra. It was Saturday . . . everybody shopping . . . especially at the mall (yes, we do have one now . . . and on our side of town!).

Made it all the way to the house, and Rev went immediately to bed - straight as the crow flies. Candra too - without AC - too cold for that.

I rounded up dirty clothes, sorted and threw into wash as fast as possible - trying to outrun water and light problems. Made it through 4 loads - HALLELUJAH!!!

Sis. Colleen ran off to find some food for us all - chicken and rice - yummy. She got some pastries too, so we are set for the weekend, hopefully.

Sisco family still not fine, with kids coughing, fevers still high, and their Dad flat out in bed. Sis. Pam was holding the fort over there - just thankful someone was up to that.

Not sure what was moving around among the missionary team, but at last count, Sis. Colleen, myself, and possibly Sis.Pam were the only ones not flattened by it on our side of the river (Ghana side of Volta). Andrus family was suffering when we left, and Cantrells had been fighting it all week. Bro. & Sis. Adams were full speed ahead (Togo side of Volta).

Sis. Colleen flew off today - visiting the north - her friends/churches in Tamale. She spoke yesterday morning at the early service in Haatso - our newest church plant in Ghana. Then, we (she and I) were off to headquarters church for the close of the Ladies Week there. She and I were the only folks moving from our house - all in bed - covered up to their ears and eyeballs!

Had a quiet Sunday afternoon/evening - THANK GOD! Folks still draggy, but fever down some. Praising God for every victory.

Thankfully I was able to do a little more wash - got everything clean before the water went off this morning - THANK YOU, JESUS!

We are still dragging around this house, but thankful that God brought us home again . . . even if it was "jiggety jog. . .!"

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

The Youngest. . . here's the rest of the story!

Did I tell you I have TWO daughters? Well I do. . .
Both so special. . . and OH SO DIFFERENT!
One is leaving soon, and the other is concentrating on the goal of completing 12th grade in 6 months . . . HALLELUJAH!

Kind to her friends, caring to all of us, and willing to help and share with whoever needs a boost.

So much attention given to the one little chick flying away. . .

The other, nesting cutie may feel overlooked. . . but she isn't.

She's the one who holds things together around this house when someone travels. She gives her all to helping, and God blesses.

Friends? . . . she has plenty. They love her smile, her witty comments, and the fact that she works so hard to make them feel good each day.

I cannot overlook or forget my baby . . . always will be me baby . . . 90 years old, she'll still be my baby, remember.

Thank the lord for TWO . . girls of great distinction. God sure blessed when He sent another one to see.

Just wanted you to know, Sweetie, that being youngest is not a curse. . . Mommy lived through that too. You WILL make it, in Jesus' name.

The rest of the story. . . is we LOVE YOU!!!!!

No one and nothing will ever take your place. . . you are one of a kind, one in a million, one of the greatest things that ever happened in our family for sure.

WE LOVE YOU, Baby, and Jesus does too. . . so much more. . . so greater. . . can't thank Him enough for loaning you to us for just a short time anyway.

Hang in there, Baby. . . just a few more days, Grade 11 will be history, and Grade 12 on the way.

You are so precious, and our love is true, but Jesus has bigger and better plans for you!

Step out in Him, trust and obey, and Jesus will always show you the best joyous way.

The rest of the story. . .God's BEST is for YOU!

So Much I'd LOVE to tell her. . .

I worked on mail today. . . birthday and anniversary cards. . . graduations, sympathy cards, and Thank You Notes too. . . but I couldn't write her or send anything.

How many times have I started to address an envelope, or pick up the phone to call and tell her what was happening? Every time, there is an ache in my heart, because there is SO MUCH I'd LOVE to tell her.

She always listened . . . at least until her life was reduced to one room with a few things in it. Then, she would ask, but attention didn't last long. I still told her stories, brought pictures, and she would look and listen. I still sent music, and shared it with her when we were together.

I miss that . . . almost as much as her prayers for me. The broken connection with my precious Mother. . . it really hurts. She has been gone more than a year now, and there is a large empty space in my heart and life where she used to be.

But I have hope. . . she is with Jesus, and our connection is through HIM! One day soon, we will be together again too, and I can tell her all my news. . .

One day soon, I will take my oldest daughter and leave her with strangers. Hopefully, they won't stay strangers for long, but still. . . they don't know her like I do.

There is SO MUCH I'd love to tell her too. . . just need to make the time.

Tell her how much I love her. . . and always will.
Tell her how special she is. . . and always will be.
Tell her how much I will miss her. . . no matter how close or far away she goes from me.
Tell her how very proud she has made me. . . as her mother.
Tell her that I will always pray for her. . . all day every day . . . without ceasing.
Tell her that I will always be there for her . . . even if I can't get to where she is.
Tell her that I know Jesus has a special plan for her life. . . and a job that no one else in the whole world can do just like SHE can do it.
Tell her. . . Jesus loves her so much more than I do. . . and I can't imagine how that is possible, but He DOES!
Tell her. . . she will always be my FIRSTBORN. . . and that makes her amazing to me.
Tell her. . . I think I just did. . . and I still can!

Monday, June 9, 2008

Company's coming. . . Yippeeee!

Today is Tuesday. . . there are two baskets of dirty clothes I need to wash. . . water is off. . . the crocheted doilies from all over the house are clean and sorted on the couch, but where do I put them?

The bed in the guestroom is not made - those sheets are some of the dirty clothes in those baskets I mentioned. . . what to do?

I just completed one syllabus report for ACTS-Ghana next term. . . still have one to go. Need to get mail caught up. . . behind on birthdays and anniversaries.

Girls gone to the mall. . . Annie leaves tonight/early tomorrow morning. . . Ashley flew away early this morning.

Boxes and lockers all over the hallways . . . flea market stuff still there from before my trip to Madagascar. . . and what to cook for dinner tomorrow?

Will probably have late breakfast when CC arrives . . . will have to go to airport and hopefully have a nice pathway cleared out for all the luggage she is bringing with goodies inside for us. . . Wednesday morning will be here soon! Company's coming!

Need to get everything done for sub-regional Conference. . . but waiting on French translation of banner wording. . . hope the Adams got my e-mail and will respond soon. . . even though they are in Benin with a large group from their home church. Have to pack. . . but lightly as no room for luggage - lots of people in the vehicles. . . company's coming.

Company's coming. . . Bro. Woodward and his son Matt. . . staying in hotel, but will still be around house some, I am sure. . . Can't put all this stuff in Melinda's room, or just in back of the house. . . have to sort through it all . . . packing for here, there, storage and give-away. . .

Company's coming . . . will they care? We are off to Togo on Monday, so. . . company may be coming, but this house is a MESS!!!

I walk around in a daze. . . where did that go before? How does it look there? What do I do with all these doilies? Maybe I will put them away until AFTER company, as I can't seem to remember where I took them from - ha! . . . and company's coming. . . Oh glory! Hallelujah! ACTS-Ghana . . . graduation's coming too. . . but company's coming first!

Well, I need something to motivate me to get things in order, cleaned up and some of this dirt removed from the house. . . windows. . . ceilings with cobwebs. . . under the beds. . . under the couches. . . COMPANY'S COMING!!!!!

The generator is broken. . . in the shop. . . supposed to come home today. . . we forgot!

Melinda's dog died this morning . . . old and sick too. . . so sorry, but company's coming!

Car needs to be fixed. . . was puttering up the hill on Saturday and Sunday. . . something about fuel injectors. . . bad diesel . . . all of it is dirty. . . so annoying!

Company's coming. . . will we be ready?

Jesus is coming too. . . wonder what I'll be doing when the trumpet sounds? Sure hope and pray I'm ready that day. . . 'cause COMPANY'S COMING SOON!!!

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Happy Birtyday. . . to our OTHER Daughter. . . Colleen

"Helping hands. . . that's what I want to be," she said. Did God ever hear that prayer!
He already heard my prayer . . . "Lord, I need help. . . with the girl's school, with the work of Reaching Africa's Children, . . . with a special friend." God heard that prayer too, and sent me another "daughter."
Sis. Colleen first came to Ghana in February 2000. We had never seen her before she stepped off the plane in Accra. She was scared of this new family, but God took care of all that, and added a member to our family.
Today is her 30th birthday, and we have enjoyed her "helping hands" for more than 8 years now.
She is traveling all over North America to raise her Partners in Missions support, but she has our love and support . . . no matter where in the world she is!
God's BEST, God's REST, and More ZEST!
(Rev's birthday blessing)
We Love YOU!
Your Ghana Family:
Mum, Rev, Melinda & Candra

My Sweetie. . . JIM!

May 13, 1983 - this shy, quiet Canadian stepped off a plane onto African soil, and God's plan was set in motion for a lifetime.
I wasn't there that day, but thankfully I WAS there in April 1984 when he returned to Nigeria again. My life has never been the same.
25 years is a long time to give yourself - heart and soul to a cause (the work of God in West Africa) . . . but it is only just beginning.
Jim is shy - until you get to know him better (or until he knows you a little bit more). But you would never know that from all the things he does for God's kingdom. . . for his leaders. . .or for our family. . . or the missionary/national team who work together in Ghana.
What a joy to know and love him!
What excitement to join with him to raise our daughters!
What a blessing to work alongside him for 24 years (September 29, 2008 is our 24th anniversary)!
What a thrill to see God use and bless him with more and more responsibility in our church around the world!
What happiness to call him "husband" . . . my spiritual head and leader!
What fun to call him "friend" . . . and to see the wonderful, creative things he does. . . especially for those he loves!
Oh what a special man he is. . . MY SWEETIE. . . JIM!

Wednesday, June 4, 2008


These are my two girls. . . Melinda and Candra. Melinda finished her 12th grade. . . Thank You, Jesus! Here she is holding her diplima from A Beka Academy in Pensacola. When we sent off for transcripts, they sent back her grades . . . all the way through kindergarten! I cried . . . was so thankful to be able to accomplish this with her. Some days, I wasn't sure, but God was good to us, and helped all the way. We praise the Lord for our girls - they are both really special, and have been such a tremendous blessing in our lives.

After a year of working as a teacher's aid/assistant at the AmericanInternational School in Accra, Melinda is off to Bible college in Indianapolis, Indiana - IBC. We appreciate your prayers for her, as God leads in a new area of her life.

The prissy young lady below is our baby - Candra. She is almost finished 11th grade (about a week and a half remains) and she will begin 12th grade in June. Plans to finish that off in six months, and be home with Melinda in Bible school by January. As you can see, she loves clothes . . . especially when she designs them herself . . . like this dress she is wearing in the picture. She designed it for Melinda's "Think Pink" 19th birthday this year.
God is good, and has blessed my girls. . . as He blessed us with both of them. It will be difficult to come back to Ghana and leave them in the US. . . but He is faithful, and will keep them both in the hollow of His hands. I know He will have to keep me and their Dad too . . . as we are more wimpy about their departure than they are - ha!

Yep. . . these are MY GIRLS. . . REALLY!

Getting through it. . . together

How do you say "goodbye?" Why do we have to do that so often?
Over the years, "goodbye" has been a consistent part of the vocabulary of our girls. . . us too, but as you get older, say "goodbye" more often, it gets more common. Notice I didn't say "easier" just something we have to do.

This is a painful time for our teenage daughters. So many of their friends are leaving. . . or they are leaving their friends. Olivia (bottom right with Melinda) has been around since we first came to Ghana 13 years ago. She has already travelled to the US with her missionary family for some needed time out, but that means Melinda will not see them again before she travels in August.

Yva (pictured at top with Melinda) and Annie (bottom left with Candra) are friends made in the past four years. But love goes deep, so goodbyes are difficult. Yva is leaving Ghana with her family - workers for the UN from Serbia and Australia. Annie is moving back to Virginia, US with her missionary family.

These are just a few examples of the many friends Melinda (in August) and Candra (in November) will be telling "goodbye."

I know. . . they will be saying "hello" to a whole new way of life. . . new friends. . . a new church environment. . . basically, in just a few days/weeks, everyone they know and everything they see will be new. . . different. . . and a little bit scary. . . or maybe a LOT.

We will get through this. . . by sticking as close together as possible. There have been lots of hugs, snuggles in the morning and at night before sleep, and plenty of prayer going on around our house.

There have been extra trips to the mall (yep - we DO have one now), more lunches out, extra sleep overs, and anything we can possibly think of to help with this process of letting go. . .

Letting go of life as they know it, and looking ahead to "all things new."

Will you join us in prayer for the transition our girls have to make, as we are SURE that. . . TOGETHER, we will get through this, in Jesus' Name.

Practicing Grammie

This is Stephen Sisco . . . my "grandson." He is 3 years old until August this year, then will be a great big FOUR. He is wearing the outfit we bought him
from northern Ghana (Tamale).

Stephen came to Ghana when he was 11 months old, and we have sure enjoyed watching him grow into the little man you see here.

Allanah was 3 when she arrived here. That is the same age as Candra (our youngest) was when we first came to Ghana. Allanah began school here, and is doing a great job of learning to read, write, and loves science a lot!This is her First Grade picture. . . isn't she a cutie?!!!

Their Mom & Dad (Nick & Pam Sisco) are very kind to allow us to "pretend" we are their grandparents. It is a real joy to get all those hugs and kisses from these precious little ones.

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Back again. . . Still "TOGETHER"

Well, I am back . . . were'nt holding your breath were you?

Seems like I get this going once a month . . . maybe - ha!

As I get older, I can't remember stuff like I used to . . . at least not my blog address (had to get Jim to look it up for me today . . . heaven help me!) Melinda at school, so she couldn't guide me along the right path.

Been to Madagascar and back since I wrote here last. What a trip! The church there is awesome, and the people so very sweet and welcoming. A memory we will always treasure. Jim went with me! That was a real treat too, as one or the other of us usually travel alone. This time, the girls insisted they were fine. . . and they WERE!

The second day we were in Madagascar, Candra wrote - should have been a red flag right there, as she usually leaves that to Melinda.

Well, Melinda was sick, and Ashley too, so Candra was nurse and house manager, and school girl, and taker to the clinic for blood lady, and you name it! Bless her heart - she was a trouper.

No need to worry, I couldn't do a thing to help. . . except pray and try to encourage her. She learned a lot and did a great job of taking care of her big sister (Melinda home a whole week in bed, and really feeling rotten). . . Ashley too. Ashley went back to school finally, but not Melinda. . . vomiting, fever, the whole works!

Meanwhile, in Madagascar, Jim and I were enjoying our time with Chris & Paula Richardson and their two little sweeties - Jared and Richae. Richae will be 13 years old (a teenager!) in just a little while, and Jared is a very active little man (about 4 years younger than Richae). They are precious.

As for Chris and Paula . . . seems hard to believe they are in charge of oversight of the Malagasy church now - they are supposed to still be little kids - like they were when I first met them both. (Will try to figure out how to post pictures on here, and give you a few scenes.)

But time passes, children grow up, and . . . there you have my life right now. . .

Just a few more days, and I will fly to US and leave Melinda. . . hard to believe, but true. I am praying for strength, and any way I can help her adjust to life there. . . without me!

Yeah, I know I am not the only person who has ever done this. I am also sure my situation is not the worst one possible, but it is MINE. She is MY FIRST BABY, and I am sure feeling that.

The distance is new for us all, as we have always been a "Together" family.

"Together" in Nigeria at 7 weeks old,

"Together" on Melinda's first deputation (she as 18 months old), and welcoming a new baby sister, then

"Together" as we took Candra to Nigeria at 7 weeks old.

"Together" as we left Nigeria, deputized with a 5-year old Melinda and a 2 1/2-year old Candra.

"Together" as we moved to Ghana, started school with A Beka, and adjusted to a very different church and way of life.

"Together" on deputation with a 9-year old Melinda and a 5 1/2-year old Candra. "Look, we don't have time to be bashful!" was Melinda's famous quote to pastor's children as we moved around North America. Back to Ghana,

"Together" as we moved into a new house, and made new friends.

"Together" on deputation with a 14/15-year old Melinda and a 12/13-year old Candra . . . becoming young ladies together. . . finding it harder than ever to fit in to North American culture and worship.

"Together" back to Ghana as these young girls grew into young ladies, leading their friends, and gaining a wider group of fellowship daily.

"Together" as they finished their school work - Melinda so thankful for 12th grade to be OVER, and Candra working overtime to complete hers soon too (her target is November 2008).

We have always been "TOGETHER," but now it is time for some separation. . . and we are feeling that more than we thought possible.

I believe, and trust God to help us always be "TOGETHER" in heart and love as a family dedicated to HIM!

If your children are still with you, take some time today to be "TOGETHER" because before you know it, "TOGETHER" will be a memory, but thankfully, not the end. . . there will be more "TOGETHER" times, in Jesus Name!